How I Made My First $ Without Any Investment

The Techpreneur
2 min readMay 30, 2021

So if you are reading this I assure you this is not a clickbait today I make a good passive income ( that’s on full autopilot ) but this was my first income source when I was in college and had no money to invest. Okay so I won’t waste much of your time let’s get to action.

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Small wins always lead to huge profits don’t think 1$ is a small amount just start with one dollar and repeat and upscale soon you will have the money you desire.

So below I am going to list my first income source through which I made my first 50$ now that’s doesn’t feel like a big amount but in college it was a big win for me and I was really proud of it.

There are many nice income sources I have now but it requires traffic and audience which I will teach you how to build and copy my business model but for now let’s don’t go into that.

So The first $ I earned was from link shortening . Yes you heard it right you may think that’s the odd way but there are link shorteners which pay good and as I am from INDIA I made 6$ per 1000 clicks now the main thing to notice here is that CPC for INDIA was low but for other countries like USA you can make around 18–50 $ for 1k clicks and that’s pretty awesome . This was perfect for starting my passive income as I had no money to invest but later on I built multiple incomes sources from this only and today they give me a good return .

First Step is always the hardest but at some point in life you have to take initiative why don’t do it now!

So that’s it for this article I will not go into much details here but I will share all my secrets and autopilot methods too which you will not find anywhere on the internet ( yes that’s because i did it all by myself ) . Make sure to give a follow and let’s move close to the target of 100$ per month first. And yeah btw just search on google best link shortener and figure it our yourself else you will not learn anything . I can share my knowledge but you have to take the intiative for yourself . Best of luck I will see you in next story!



The Techpreneur

Myself Abhay Vishnoi aka thetechrpeneur i love making money online. I convert tech into cash. Connect with me